Project Description
The proposed Boutique Hotel is a superfluity Hotel that is to be established in Hollywood. The 6 story structure at Hollywood Boulevard and St. Andrews place will entail a more than 870 square feet bistro with more than 85 rooms (Barragan, 2014). Furthermore, the rooftop of the building will include a bar and a deck, while the second floor will be comprised of cabanas and round pool. The development of a luxury hotel is anticipated to start in mid-2016.
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Fig.1. Show the Roof Top of the Proposed Brand New Boutique Hotel
The 80 cool room luxury hotels intend to set up a shop down the street close to the subway station located at the west (Barragan, 2014). The hotel is designed to be composed of guest amenities that will include an open-air deck on a low rise building second-floor level. This section is designed to offer both a fire pit and a swimming pool. The new luxury hotel will be constructed at 5600 Hollywood boulevard that is an empty lot, yet to be developed.
Fig.2. Show the architectural design of the Brand New Boutique Hotel
The Purpose of Development
The project is aimed at exemplifying one of the many contradictions in the zoning code of Los Angeles, a more than 600 document pages that have been developed over nearly seven decades (Barragan, 2014). The development aims to provide a luxury parlor within the walking distance of the Metro Red Line, where the city has struggled to promote higher density development. The new hotel also aims at providing high-quality product and services that include comfort, functionality, workmanship and expertise resulting in a quality and unique outcome to its brand. The developers were quoted implying that anything less than an ideal room would not have made financial sense, an aspect that justifies strive to provide high-quality luxury hotel (Barragan, 2014).
Fig.3. Shows the Inside of luxury Hotel Room
The Brand New Boutique hotel intends to provide a superb architecture and interiors that are distinctive to hotel and guest services. The emphasis has been on the characteristics that will remain to be an overarching attribute of the brand, leading to superlative detail of design and functions of eighty cool rooms (Barragan, 2014). Achievement of higher density was considered essential for the region due to its proximity to transport system. A Metro station is located only 700 feet away.
Fig.4. Show the architectural design of the Hotel at Night
Snapshots of the Neighborhood
According to 2010 United States Census, Hollywood had a population of 34,399 people. The population density in the region is approximated at 18.225.6 person per square mile. The racial diversity in Hollywood is estimated to be composed of 84.2 percent of the whites, 3.2 percent of African Americans and 78 percent of non-Hispanic whites. Besides, Asians and Native Americans make up 5 percent and 0.3 percent respectively, while other races make 3 percent. The census report indicated that 99.7 percent of the population lived in the households while 0.3 percent is non-institutionalized group quarters. The area has approximately 22,511 households with 13.6 percent having opposite-sex married couples living together. 3.8 percent has a female without a husband, and 1.9 percent has male householder without a wife. In Hollywood, 4.9 percent of the population is composed of an unmarried opposite-sex partnership while 5.9 percent represents same-sex married couples. The population within Hollywood region is well distributed with individuals under 18 years accounting for 5 percent. Those aged between 18 to 24 years account for 2,400 while those between aged group 25 to 44 and 45 to 64 accounts for 47 percent and 26 percent respectively.
The ratio of female and male stands at 1:1.28. The region had 24,588 housing units with an average density of 5,029 per square kilometer. The homeowner vacancy rate stands at approximately 3.6 percent, 5.9 percent for rental vacancy rates. In accordance to the study, the median household income was $53,223, with more than 15 percent living below the federal poverty line.
Economic Development Characteristics
With the construction cranes being all over the Hollywood skyline, it is clear indication that the region is undergoing an economic transformation. The Hollywood economy is emerging out of the great recession better and stronger (Barragan, 2014). Hollywood has the strongest and most influential chamber of commerce that focuses on economic development and assisting business wishing to relocate to the district. In terms of development, Hollywood has been classified as the best promising region in terms of economic development. The region has the greatest mass transit option being served by the Red Line subway, which is the backbone of the entire metropolitan transportation system (Barragan, 2014). When it comes for development, it has had more than $4 billion invested in the region within the last 12 years. There has been the development of the first true urban village, where pedestrian activities will reign, live, work and play at a proximity. Furthermore, Hollywood is the top tourist attraction region in Los Angeles County, with estimated 11.9 million visitors visiting the region annually.
Social Capital
Hollywood is one of the hyper societies that are deeply entrenched in luxury lifestyles, largely because of the presence of individuals with high disposable income such as celebrities. It has been well-defined as the epicenter of the coolness and luxury lifestyle. In addition, Hollywood is the historical center of the entertainment industry and continues to be the place that premieres with special entertainment events. Its location permits easy and convenient servicing of the downtown, Westside, and the valley (Barragan, 2014).
In the recent past, Hollywood region has experienced an exciting mix of the new residents attracted by the flourishing business potential in the area. The area has more than 3,500 new residential units that have been completed within a period of less than 5 years. Besides, thousands of more residents are planning and designing stage. Furthermore, a number of luxury hotels have been located in the region such as new 280 units mixed user at St Andrew (Barragan, 2014). The recent development in Hollywood has led to a large revitalizing effect, especially between Vermont and Hollywood where are number of mixed projects are under construction. In addition, it is evident that a large number of people in the region are within the age group of 25 to 40, that is the age associated with luxury lifestyle. Furthermore, the household average of approximately $53,000 is adequate to sustain luxury spending in the region (Barragan, 2014).
Environmental Impact
In an attempt the promote environmental sustainability, the design of Brand New Boutique hotel has created an energy efficient space that uses less than half of the energy. The photovoltaic array, solar heating system will be installed to generate renewable energy in the hotel (Barragan, 2014). The building will also be fitted with sophisticated energy monitoring and control systems connected to energy center in order to provide renewable and low carbon electricity. Furthermore, the project will incorporate environmentally responsible material, efficient waste management systems. The building plan has combined a number of energy saving measures that include floor slab insulation, solar window shading, and new high-efficiency radiators (Barragan, 2014).
Although the design of the hotel has significantly strived to adhere the appropriate environmental standards, a number of effects are anticipated. The ecosystem in the region will be affected because of accumulated amount of adverse environmental impacts such waste, noise and dust resulting from the construction sites. Furthermore, since the construction equipment will consume a lot of natural resources such as gasoline and electricity, the construction of the new hotel is anticipated to lead high level of pollution resulting from energy consumption during extraction and transportation of raw materials (Barragan, 2014). Since the Brand New Boutique Hotel will be located in a densely populated area, people living around the area will be prone to harmful effects on their health because of dust, noise, vibration resulting from numerous construction of the hotels. Furthermore, the construction of the hotel will significantly lead to loss of biodiversity. Therefore, the project manager needs to develop appropriate initiative designed to reduce environmental impact in the area during the construction.
Overall Impact of the Development of the Neighborhood
The building of Brand New Boutique luxury hotel in Hollywood will significantly impact the lives of the many people in the neighborhood. The development of the hotel will offer the much-required short-term and long-term employment opportunities for the neighborhood. The mixed-use plan for a Brand New Boutique luxury hotel will deliver a range of employment opportunities for the local workers striving to recover after the great recession (Barragan, 2014). It is predictable that the new hotel will produce 2,915 construction jobs and 1,275 permanent jobs when the hotel starts operating. Furthermore, the development will include a combination of dwelling units, hotel rooms and restaurant space, as well as health and fitness club. The new hotel will also boost the tourism industry in the region that has been reported to surpass the international trade. For instance, more than $109.6 billion resulted from direct travel industry in California in 2013, while Hollywood contributed $8.6 billion of the earnings. Furthermore, the new luxury hotel will change the community perception toward luxury in the regions, especially after experiencing insufficient luxury hotels from an extended period (Barragan, 2014). The upcoming luxury hotel such as Boutique will significantly increase the number of visitors and consequently raise the revenue obtained from customer’s direct spending.