Feminism can be defined as the backing of the rights of women so that they enjoy social, political and economic equity regardless of their gender. The world today has become so feminized that it is easy to spot the word feminism everywhere we are. Unfortunately, the reasons why we need feminism are far from over. This is because women’s rights are violated each day. Feminism covers a wide range of important topics in the society including rape, abortion, transgender issues, and homophobia. Although some people may think we do not feminists, I really think that there is greater need now than ever for the feminists’ movement to advocate for the rights of women some of whom are violated and denied the basic human rights. It is important that the society we live in entitles all individuals to the same basic human rights and ensures that there are no matters like economic sabotage or political voting simply because of a person’s gender.
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Target Audience
This paper targets all people; men and women who may or may not support feminism and related movements. The paper aims to convince the target audience that indeed, feminism has had a great positive impact in our lives (men and women) and should be supported by everyone.
The visual presentation will be displayed in front of our classroom. The audience was awakened to the realities that feminism does indeed assist both men and women, to have a just society that entitles all to a fair share of opportunities.
In the presentation, we have used a range of colors for maximum effect. For the titles, we have used pink and white. White signifies peace for everyone while pink signifies the unconditional love of compassion and nurturing. Blue color associates stability and depth while symbolizing truth, faith and confidence we have that feminism will continue helping men and women as it advocates for gender equality.
According to Half the Sky, women are a lynchpin to the world’s development strategy. If women were absorbed to the available job, then the GDP of countries will significantly rise as the women who previously contributed nothing to the economy are injecting labour force to the economy. Helping the women can be a successful-poverty fighting strategy while some women also devise other methods of fighting poverty like the BRAC in Bangladesh which is the largest antipoverty organization in the world that aids the poorest of women to start a business and provide for themselves and their families. It is for this reasons that in the 1990s, the World Bank in collaboration with the US in appreciation of the women’s potential introduced “Investment in girls” education that empowers countries to educate their girls and women. It is for this reasons that the paper argues that women have rights too that ought to be respected, equal rights like their fellow men.
Women's Rights across the World
According to the Human Rights Watch, great strides have been made around the world by feminist movements but still a number of women and girls are still married or trafficked into slavery. There is still the salary gap as men continue to earn more. HRW is working towards gender equality through women empowerment.
The first issue that women’s rights across the world advocate is about abortion. Politicians all over the world usually pass punitive laws against women over the issue of abortion. In Arizona for example, a law was passed that allows employers to refuse to give birth control coverage to women unless they are using birth control to prevent becoming pregnant. It is unfortunate that lawmakers for example in Virginia passed a bill that requires the women to get a trans-vaginal ultrasound before they can abort. The US is just fair in its treatment of women. Some countries have harsher ways to treat its women and writing this as we celebrate “Mothers Day,” it is important to recognize our women and their efforts to make the world a better place. In Saudi Arabia women can't drive. Ecuador abortion is illegal, unless you are mentally ill. India (some parts): Road safety rules don’t apply to women. Supporters of the ban say they’re just trying to preserve women’s carefully styled hair and make-up -- which isn’t exactly a feminist response.
Marriage Rights for Women
In the past and still in some communities, women were and are still considered the property of their husbands. A woman’s legal rights were (yet in some societies are still) locked up by their husbands. The rights of a married woman cover a wide range of areas that some constitutions allow the women to enjoy.
In India, the percentage of women getting married before the age of 18 is 47%. This is worse when compared to the US. In the US for example, women are allowed gay marriages as entrenched in their Constitution without limitation to race, religion or ethnicity. People can legally marry about anyone they feel like in the US although many other countries across the globe are not allowed for example to indulge in same sex marriage. All these are indications that women really need a voice of theirs and an understanding society that values them as equals in the society.
Violence against Women
According to the UN definition, violence against women is a gender based violence aggression that includes physical or sexual harm that are meted against women. These acts of violence are perpetrated through use of threats or depriving the woman her liberty. The UN has some population surveys on reports of violence against women indicating that as much as 71 percent of women in Ethiopia and 15 percent in Japan have reported some form of sexual and physical violence by their intimate partners. Some statistics indicate that the first sexual experience for most women was forced with 30 percent in Bangladesh and 24 percent in Peru.
In 1993, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) presented a structure for violence against women. It dubbed it the “declaration on the elimination of violence against women.” There are a number of various forms of violence against women with some disturbing statistics. It is estimated that about 35% of women across the world have experienced a form of either sexual or physical abuse from their partners or a non-partner at some point in their lives. Further, in some countries, the statistics indicate that 70 percent of women have experienced some form of physical or sexual harassment from their partners. The statistics further found out that the women who have been sexually or physically abused by their partners are more than twice to have an abortion, to experience depression and almost 1.5 times likely to acquire HIV as compared to women who do not experience violence from their partners. Globally, more than 700 million alive today were married while they were less than 18 years with more than 250 million being married before their 15th birthday. It is true that as children, these brides are not at a position to negotiate for better sex and thus leaving them vulnerable to early pregnancy with high chances of contracting sexually transmitted diseases from their older partners.
In 2012 for example in India, a study by New Delhi found out that 92 percent of Indian women reportedly experienced some form of sexual violence in public places with another 88 percent reporting to have experienced having experienced a form of verbal sexual harassment like obscene gestures, whistling, or sneering. A survey of 1,010 women in Egypt by the Egyptian Center For Women Rights found out that a whopping 83 percent of the local women have been sexually harassed while a higher number of 98 percent of foreign women reported to have been harassed sexually. These disturbing statistics further indicate that 120 million girls globally have experienced forced sexual intercourse with majority of the perpetrators being their former or current boyfriends, husbands or partners. Another violence that women undergo is the female genital mutilation (FGM). The UN estimates that about 200 million women have undergone FGM. More than 30 countries still carry out the barbaric act in 2016 mutilating the young girls before they even celebrate their 5th birthday.
Western nations are also not spared. It is estimated that about 10 percent of women in European Union have reported some form of cyber bullying since they aged 15 years. These women reported to have received offensive messages, sexually explicit materials through emails, mobile messages or through social media sites like Facebook, SnapChat or Twitter. Although women are the most vulnerable, young boys too are prone to violence although girls are at a greater risk to receive different forms of exploitation, sexual harassment, and sexual violence.
Proposed Solution
Feminism and feminists have altered, for the better, the world we live in. Violence against women is an ongoing abuse and in some societies, the prevalence is as high as 80 percent. Although we do not still in an equal society, feminism has ensured that the world recognizes and treats women with dignity. Feminism is still relevant today especially with sexism against women in their places of work and in the media. Feminists need to continue fighting for the rights of all women. In the US for example, women earn less 22 cents for every dollar a man earns for the same kind of job. Through feminists, our women will get a voice in the community and accorded the respect they deserve. Who could eradicate women subjection if not feminists?
Solution Justification
Equal pay and equal rights are a good thing to women and thanks to feminism, women can now work and support themselves. Equal pay has allowed women to be independent instead of relying on their fathers or husbands for basic provisions of needs which makes them to be abusive. Women who work have always supported their families even if unfortunately their husbands died or they left them.
Feminism has seen women achieve what they want and be able to influence others positively. It is a well known fact that women do make immense contributions to the society by making important decisions that affects other people. Women have contributed to technological advancement and research expressing or innovating popular opinions and solutions that has made the world a better place to live. Empowered women can also voice their concerns by voting in or out politicians or even themselves vying in positions that they can be able to change the society.
Through feminism, men can be able to consider women to be important. For societies that consider women to be their husband’s property, feminism has challenged the notion. How do women become properties of other individuals? There is more to women than just being a man’s wife and mother. Women are role models whose achievements and contributions to the society in general can no longer be ignored.
The advocacy of women’s rights based on gender equality to men (feminism) is an important aspect in the society that ought to be embraced by all. Feminism advocates for women’s rights across the world and especially in marginalised societies. Through feminism, women are able to enjoy their marriage through marriage rights for women that allows women to get married when they are of age and to the people they want to get married to. Violence that has been meted out to women is another area where feminism has advocated against. Feminists want the women to be empowered to help themselves and the society they live in. if all people are entitled to the same human rights and are seen to be equal in matters of political and economic regardless of their gender, then the society will be a better place for everyone.